EPS = 7.51分 VS 前期4.62分 , 进步了约62.5%。 TA这一季的业绩比我预期差,主要是因为马币汇率急涨导致它的投资与借贷业务蒙受高达44.27mil的亏损,若不是子公司TAGB卖地贡献在这季度进账,它的业绩应该会相当的难看。无论如何,它的酒店业务表现依旧是那么的标清,盈利比去年同期成长了约15%,主要是受惠于酒店提升设备完工后入住率提高与利息支出减少。我相信TAGB卖地还债的举动还会进一步的减少利息支出,它的酒店与产业投资接下来的表现理应会更加的亮眼。 在TA宣布4.1分股息后,它的股价就正如我预期般的节节上扬,轻易的就达到了我早前设下的64分目标价水平,因此我选择了套利部份的TA,获得的资金悉数在3.5左右买入另一家落难的银行股 - Ambank。 而我TA留下来的票,短期内是不会再卖了,主要是因为公司已经步入收成期,过去数年它酒店业、产业投资的默默耕耘即将为公司带来丰厚果实。除此之外,管理层也表示香港办公室脱售预计在6月完成,并会在下季度进账,预计会为TA带来54.2m的税前盈利也是值得我期待的。 (On 20 April 2018, the Company announced that Winner Star Group Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company has entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Champion Castle Limited for the disposal of two units of office lots located at Tower One Lippo Centre, Hong Kong, for a total cash consideration of HK$137 million (RM67.4 million equivalent). As at 23 May 2018, a deposit of HK$13.7 million has been paid by Champion Castle Limited to Winner Star Group Limited’s solicitors as stakeholder in consideration of the disposal. The disposal is expected to be completed in June 2018.)